105.266. 1. Any employee of the state of Missouri, its departmentsor agencies shall be granted a leave of absence for the time specified forthe following purposes:
(1) Five workdays to serve as a bone marrow donor if the employeeprovides his or her employer with written verification that he or she is toserve as a bone marrow donor;
(2) Thirty workdays to serve as a human organ donor if the employeeprovides his or her employer with written verification that he or she is toserve as a human organ donor.
2. An employee who is granted a leave of absence pursuant to thissection shall receive his or her base state pay without interruption duringthe leave of absence. For purposes of determining seniority, pay or payadvancement and performance awards and for the receipt of any benefit thatmay be affected by a leave of absence, the service of the employee shall beconsidered uninterrupted by the leave of absence.
3. The employer shall not penalize an employee for requesting orobtaining a leave of absence according to this section.
4. The leave authorized by this section may be requested by theemployee only if the employee is the person who is serving as the donor.
(L. 2001 H.B. 679)