105.350. 1. Each political subdivision of the state and eachinstrumentality of the state or of a political subdivision may submit forapproval by the state agency a plan for extending the benefits of Title 2 ofthe Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.A. § 401 et seq.) to its employees, and arehereby authorized to, by proper ordinance or resolution, enter into and ratifyany such agreement upon its approval as aforesaid. Two or more politicalsubdivisions or instrumentalities may form a joint plan if, in the absence ofsuch joint plan, because of the requirements of the agreement entered intopursuant to section 105.310, or because of any requirement imposed by federallaw, any subdivision included in such unit would be unable to submit anapprovable plan.
2. Each plan or any amendment thereof shall be approved by the stateagency if it finds that such plan is in conformity with the requirementsprovided by the regulations of the state agency, except that no plan shall beapproved unless:
(1) It is in conformity with the requirements of the applicable federallaw and with the agreement entered into under section 105.310;
(2) It provides that all services which constitute employment as definedin section 105.300 and are performed in the employ of the politicalsubdivision or instrumentality, or in the employ of any member of a jointcoverage unit are covered by the plan;
(3) It specifies the source or sources from which the funds necessary tomake the payments required by section 105.370 are to be derived and containsreasonable assurance that such sources will be adequate for such purpose;
(4) It provides for methods of administration of the plan by thepolitical subdivision or instrumentality or members of the joint coverage unitas are found by the state agency to be necessary for the proper and efficientadministration of the plan;
(5) It provides that the political subdivision or instrumentality ormembers of the joint coverage unit shall make reports, in the form andcontaining such information as the state agency may from time to time require,and that it shall comply with all provisions which the state or federal agencymay find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports.
(L. 1951 p. 788 § 5, A.L. 1985 H.B. 640)Effective 6-25-85