105.380. 1. Delinquent payments due under section 105.370shall bear interest at a rate equal to that charged by thefederal agency for the period for which said payments aredelinquent. No interest shall be charged if less than onedollar.
2. Delinquent wage reports or adjustment reports orcontributions due but not filed or submitted by prescribed duedates shall be subject to a penalty of five dollars for the firstday and one dollar for each day thereafter, or the penaltyprescribed by the federal agency, whichever is greater. No morethan one penalty shall apply in case of any joint failure to filea deposit return and to pay deposit contributions on the sameprescribed due date.
3. Extensions to file required annual wage reports andadjustment reports may be granted by the state agency for goodcause providing a written extension request is mailed to thestate agency on or before the prescribed due date with anestimated deposit no less than the previous deposit, as adjusted.No penalty shall be applied to any report for which an extensionof time has been authorized by the state agency.
4. The state administrator or his designate may, uponwritten request by any political subdivision or instrumentalitycovered by an agreement entered into under section 105.350 andupon showing of "good cause", abate any portion or all of apenalty charge which has been assessed in accordance withsubsection 2 of this section. Good cause abatement can only begranted within the rules and regulations established by the stateagency pursuant to section 105.430.
(L. 1951 p. 788 ยง 5, A.L. 1959 S.B. 186, A.L. 1980 H.B. 1153, A.L. 1985 H.B. 640)Effective 6-25-85