105.445. 1. The state agency shall have access to all payroll anddisbursement records of political subdivisions and instrumentalities coveredby agreement pursuant to section 105.350. The state agency after givingnotice may order the political subdivision or instrumentality to make itsbooks and records available to the state agency, at the office of thepolitical subdivision or instrumentality and may audit those books andrecords.
2. The state agency may recover the actual costs and necessary expensesfor the preparation of required Social Security wage and adjustment reportsnot filed with the state agency by a political subdivision or instrumentality. Such costs and expenses shall be billed and paid upon completion of wage andadjustment reports and all moneys collected shall be immediately depositedinto the state's general revenue fund.
3. The state administrator shall have the power to issue a subpoenaduces tecum to compel the production of any payroll and disbursement recordsof political subdivisions and instrumentalities covered by agreement pursuantto section 105.350.
(L. 1985 H.B. 640)Effective 6-25-85