105.461. 1. The governor, lieutenant governor, any member of thegeneral assembly, or any member of the governing body of a politicalsubdivision who has a substantial personal or private interest in anymeasure, bill, order or ordinance proposed or pending before the generalassembly or such governing body, shall, before such official passes on themeasure, bill, order or ordinance, file a written report of the nature ofthe interest with the chief clerk of the house of representatives or thesecretary of the senate or clerk of such governing body and such statementshall be recorded in the appropriate journal or other record of proceedingsof the governing body. The governor shall make the governor's writtenreport along with the governor's approval or disapproval of any bill or actof the general assembly describing the nature of the interest and suchreport shall be recorded in the journal of the house of representatives orof the senate.
2. The governor, lieutenant governor, any member of the generalassembly, or any member of the governing body of a political subdivisionshall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of this section ifsuch official has filed, at any time before the official passes on suchmeasure, bill, order or ordinance, a financial interest statement pursuantto sections 105.483 to 105.492 which discloses the basis for the official'ssubstantial personal or private interest or interests that the official mayhave therein. Any such person may amend the person's financial intereststatement to disclose any subsequently acquired substantial interest at anytime before the person passes on any measure, bill, order or ordinance, andshall be relieved of the provisions of subsection 1 of this section.
(L. 1991 S.B. 262 ยง 105.460, A.L. 1997 S.B. 16)