105.462. 1. No member of any agency of the state or any politicalsubdivision thereof who is empowered to adopt a rule or regulation, otherthan rules and regulations governing the internal affairs of the agency, orwho is empowered to fix any rate, adopt zoning or land use planningregulations or plans, or who participates in or votes on the adoption ofany such rule, regulation, rate or plan shall:
(1) Attempt to influence the decision or participate, directly orindirectly, in the decision of the agency in which he or she is a memberwhen he or she knows the result of such decision may be the adoption ofrates or zoning plans by the agency which may result in a direct financialgain or loss to him or her, to his or her spouse or a dependent child inhis or her custody or to any business with which he or she is associated;
(2) Perform any service, during the time of his or her employment,for any person, firm or corporation for compensation other than thecompensation provided for the performance of his or her official duties, ifby the performance of the service he or she attempts to influence thedecision of the agency of the state or political subdivision in which he orshe is a member;
(3) Perform for one year after termination of his or her employmentany service for compensation for any person, firm or corporation toinfluence the decision or action of the agency with which he or she servedas a member; provided, however, that he or she may, after termination ofhis or her office or employment, perform such service for consideration inany adversary proceeding or in the preparation or filing of any publicdocument or conference thereon unless he or she participated directly inthat matter or in the receipt or analysis of that document while he or shewas serving as a member.
2. No such member or any business with which such member isassociated shall knowingly perform any service for, or sell, rent or leaseany property to any person, firm or corporation which has participated inany proceeding in which the member adopted, participated in the adoption orvoted on the adoption of any rate or zoning plan or the granting orrevocation of any license during the preceding year and received thereforin excess of five hundred dollars per transaction or one thousand fivehundred dollars per annum except on transactions pursuant to an award oncontract let or of sale made after public notice and in the case ofproperty other than real property, competitive bidding, provided that thebid or offer accepted is the lowest received.
(L. 1978 H.B. 1610 ยง 7, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1120)