105.477. 1. The commission shall supply an electronic reportingsystem which shall be used by all lobbyists registered with the ethicscommission for filing by electronic format prescribed by the commission.The electronic reporting system shall be able to operate using either theWindows or Macintosh operating environment with minimum standards set bythe commission.
2. The commission shall have the appropriate software and hardware inplace by January 1, 2003, for acceptance of reports electronically. Thecommission shall make this information available via an Internet web siteconnection by no later than January 1, 2004.
3. All lobbyists shall file expenditure reports required by thecommission electronically as prescribed by the commission. In addition,lobbyists shall file a signed form prescribed by the commission whichverifies the information filed electronically within five working days;except that, when a means becomes available which will allow a verifiableelectronic signature, the commission may accept this in lieu of a signedform.
4. All records that are in electronic format, not otherwise closed bylaw, shall be available in electronic format to the public. The commissionshall maintain and provide for public inspection a listing of all reports,with a complete description for each field contained on the report, thathas been used to extract information from their database files. Thecommission shall develop a report or reports which contain every field ineach database.
5. Annually, the commission shall provide to the general assembly atno cost a complete copy of information contained in the commission'selectronic reporting system database files. The information shall becopied onto a medium specified by the general assembly. Such informationshall not contain records otherwise closed by law. It is the intent of thegeneral assembly to provide open access to the commission's records. Thecommission shall make every reasonable effort to comply with requests forinformation and shall take a liberal interpretation when considering suchrequests. Priority shall be given to public requests for reportsidentifying lobbyist or lobbyist principal expenditures per individuallegislator.
(L. 1997 S.B. 16, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1840)