105.487. The financial interest statements shall be filed at thefollowing times, but no person is required to file more than one financialinterest statement in any calendar year:
(1) Each candidate for elective office, except those candidates forcounty committee of a political party pursuant to section 115.609, RSMo, orsection 115.611, RSMo, who is required to file a personal financialdisclosure statement shall file a financial interest statement no laterthan fourteen days after the close of filing at which the candidate seeksnomination or election, and the statement shall be for the twelve monthsprior to the closing date, except that in the event an individual does notbecome a candidate until after the date of certification for candidates,the statement shall be filed within fourteen days of the individual'snomination by caucus. An individual required to file a financial intereststatement because of the individual's candidacy for office prior to aprimary election in accordance with this section is also required to amendsuch statement no later than the close of business on Monday prior to thegeneral election to reflect any changes in financial interest during theinterim. The appropriate election authority shall provide to the candidateat the time of filing for election written notice of the candidate'sobligation to file pursuant to sections 105.483 to 105.492 and thecandidate shall sign a statement acknowledging receipt of such notice;
(2) Each person appointed to office, except any person elected forcounty committee of a political party pursuant to section 115.617, RSMo,and each official or employee described in section 105.483 who is nototherwise covered in this subsection shall file the statement within thirtydays of such appointment or employment;
(3) Every other person required by sections 105.483 to 105.492 tofile a financial interest statement shall file the statement annually notlater than the first day of May and the statement shall cover the calendaryear ending the immediately preceding December thirty-first; provided thatthe governor, lieutenant governor, any member of the general assembly orany member of the governing body of a political subdivision may supplementsuch person's financial interest statement to report additional interestsacquired after December thirty-first of the covered year until the date offiling of the financial interest statement;
(4) The deadline for filing any statement required by sections105.483 to 105.492 shall be 5:00 p.m. of the last day designated for filingthe statement. When the last day of filing falls on a Saturday or Sundayor on an official state holiday, the deadline for filing is extended to5:00 p.m. on the next day which is not a Saturday or Sunday or officialholiday. Any statement required within a specified time shall be deemed tobe timely filed if it is postmarked not later than midnight of the dayprevious to the last day designated for filing the statement.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1650 & 1565 ยง 3, A.L. 1991 S.B. 262, A.L. 1996 H.B. 846, A.L. 1997 S.B. 16)