105.620. 1. Employees of a sending agency participating inan exchange of personnel as authorized in section 105.610 may beconsidered during such participation to be on detail to regularwork assignments of the sending agency.
2. Employees who are on detail shall be entitled to the samesalary and benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled andshall remain employees of the sending agency for all otherpurposes except that the supervision of their duties during theperiod of detail may be governed by agreement between the sendingagency and the receiving agency.
3. Any employee who participates in an exchange under theterms of this section who suffers disability or death as a resultof personal injury arising out of and in the course of anexchange, or sustained in performance of duties in connectiontherewith, shall be treated, for the purposes of the sendingagency's employee compensation program, as an employee, asdefined in the act, who has sustained the injury in theperformance of duty, but shall not receive benefits under thatact for any period for which he is entitled to and elects toreceive similar benefits under the receiving agency's employeecompensation program.
(L. 1967 p. 194 ยง 3)