105.661. 1. Each plan shall annually prepare and have available aspublic information a comprehensive annual financial report showing thefinancial condition of the plan as of the end of the plan's fiscal year.The report shall contain, but not be limited to, detailed financialstatements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accountingprinciples for public employee retirement systems including an independentauditors report thereon, prepared by a certified public accountant or afirm of certified public accountants, a detailed summary of the plan's mostrecent actuarial valuation including a certification letter from theactuary and a summary of actuarial assumptions and methods used in suchvaluation, a detailed listing of the investments, showing both cost andmarket value, held by the plan as of the date of the report together with adetailed statement of the annual rates of investment return from all assetsand from each type of investment, a detailed list of investments acquiredand disposed of during the fiscal year, a listing of the plan's board oftrustees or responsible administrative body and administrative staff, adetailed list of administrative expenses of the plan including all feespaid for professional services, a detailed list of brokerage commissionspaid, a summary plan description, and such other data as the plan shalldeem necessary or desirable for a proper understanding of the condition ofthe plan. In the event a plan is unable to comply with any of thedisclosure requirements outlined above, a detailed statement must beincluded in the report as to the reason for such noncompliance.
2. Any rule or portion of rule promulgated by any plan pursuant tothe authority of chapter 536, RSMo, or of any other provision of law, shallbe submitted to the joint committee on public employee retirement prior toor concurrent with the filing of a notice of proposed rulemaking with thesecretary of state's office pursuant to section 536.021, RSMo. Therequirement of this subsection is intended solely for the purpose ofnotifying the joint committee on public employee retirement with respect toa plan's proposed rulemaking so that the joint committee on public employeeretirement has ample opportunity to submit comments with respect to suchproposed rulemaking in accordance with the normal process. Any plan notrequired to file a notice of proposed rulemaking with the secretary ofstate's office shall submit any proposed rule or portion of a rule to thejoint committee on public employee retirement within ten days of itspromulgation.
3. A copy of the comprehensive annual financial report as outlined insubsection 1 of this section shall be forwarded within six months of theend of the plan's fiscal year to the state auditor and the joint committeeon public employee retirement.
(L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1674)