105.721. 1. The commissioner of administration may, in hisdiscretion, direct that any or all of the moneys appropriated tothe state legal expense fund be expended to procure one or morepolicies of insurance to insure against all or any portion of thepotential liabilities of the state of Missouri or its agencies,officers, and employees.
2. Until July 1, 1996, the commissioner of administrationmay procure one or more policies of insurance or reinsurance toinsure against all potential losses from liabilities incurred bythe state legal expense fund under paragraphs (d) and (e) ofsubdivision (3) of subsection 2 of section 105.711. On orbefore January 1, 1996, the commissioner of administration shallprepare and distribute a report regarding the cost effectivenessof insuring against potential losses to the state underparagraphs (d) and (e) of subdivision (3) of subsection 2 ofsection 105.711, by the direct purchase of an insurance policy orpolicies as compared to self-insuring against such losses throughappropriations to the state legal expense fund under section105.711. The report shall be submitted to the governor, thespeaker of the house of representatives, the president protempore of the senate, and upon request to any member of thegeneral assembly.
3. After consultation with the state courts administrator,the commissioner of administration shall procure such suretybonds as are required by statute and such surety bonds as hedeems necessary to protect the state against loss from the actsor omissions of any person within the judiciary that receivescompensation from the state. No other bond for such person shallbe required for the protection of the state. A copy of any bondprocured pursuant to this section shall be filed with thesecretary of state.
(L. 1983 S.B. 275, A.L. 1993 H.B. 564 merged with S.B. 395)