106.040. When the house of representatives shall besatisfied that there is good cause to impeach any officer, theyshall cause articles of impeachment to be made out in due formagainst such officer and shall transmit the same to the supremecourt, and immediately elect managers to prosecute suchimpeachment; provided, however, that in the case of impeachmentof the governor or a member of the supreme court, they shalltransmit such articles of impeachment to the senate who shall,without delay, proceed to the election of a special commission totry such impeachment as provided in section 106.080. In case ofdeath, resignation or failure to serve, of any manager elected bythe house as aforesaid, the governor shall, if the house be notin session, fill such vacancy; and the person thus appointedshall have the same power and perform the same duties as ifelected by the house.
(RSMo 1939 § 12836, A.L. 1945 p. 1319 § 12838)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11210; 1919 § 9183; 1909 § 10212