106.080. If the governor or a judge of the supreme courtshall be impeached, the house of representatives shallimmediately transmit such articles of impeachment to the senatewho shall, without delay, proceed to the election of a specialcommission to try the cause, which commission shall be composedof seven eminent jurists, who at the time of their election arejudges of the circuit or appellate courts of this state;provided, however, that judges of the supreme court shall not beeligible to serve on such special commission. The commissionshall meet in the City of Jefferson within thirty days aftertheir election on a day designated by the senate.
(RSMo 1939 § 12841, A.L. 1945 p. 1319 § 12842)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11215; 1919 § 9188; 1909 § 10217