106.270. If any official against whom a proceeding has beenfiled, as provided for in sections 106.220 to 106.290, shall befound guilty of failing personally to devote his time to theperformance of the duties of such office, or of any willful,corrupt or fraudulent violation or neglect of official duty, orof knowingly or willfully failing or refusing to do or performany official act or duty which by law it is made his duty to door perform with respect to the execution or enforcement of thecriminal laws of the state, the court shall render judgmentremoving him from such office, and he shall not be elected orappointed to fill the vacancy thereby created, but the same shallbe filled as provided by law for filling vacancies in othercases. All actions and proceedings under sections 106.220 to106.290 shall be in the nature of civil actions, and tried assuch.
(RSMo 1939 § 12833)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11207; 1919 § 9180; 1909 § 10209