106.280. In all prosecutions under sections 106.220 to106.290, the defendant shall, upon conviction, after judgment ofremoval is entered, be entitled to an appeal to the supreme courtof Missouri, and said cause shall have precedence in said courton such appeal, and such supreme court shall hear such appeal assoon as possible. Pending such appeal such officer shall besuspended from office, and the trial court shall appoint aresident of the county, qualified in law, who shall act as suchspecial officer pending the appeal; and if the decision on saidappeal in said supreme court shall be in favor of the defendant,he shall be entitled to the pay for the time for which he wasremoved. The person acting as such officer during such appealshall be entitled to the same compensation of a duly electedofficer. The costs herein provided for shall be taxed againstand paid by the county in which said proceedings originated. Andthe fee of any prosecuting attorney, as provided for in sections106.220 to 106.290, shall be a reasonable one, fixed by thecourt, and payable out of the county treasury.
(RSMo 1939 § 12834)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11208; 1919 § 9181; 1909 § 10210