107.070. Whenever any officer of this state or of anydepartment, board, bureau or commission of this state, or anydeputy, appointee, agent or employee of any such officer; or anyofficer of any county of this state, or any deputy, appointee,agent or employee of any such officer, or any officer of anyincorporated city, town, or village in this state, or any deputy,appointee, agent or employee of any such officer; or any officerof any department, bureau or commission of any county, city, townor village, or any deputy, appointee, agent or employee of anysuch officer; or any officer of any district, or othersubdivision of any county, or any incorporated city, town orvillage, of this state, or any deputy, appointee, agent oremployee of any such officer, shall be required by law of thisstate, or by charter, ordinance or resolution, or by any order ofany court in this state, to enter into any official bond, orother bond, he may elect, with the consent and approval of thegoverning body of such state, department, board, bureau,commission, official, county, city, town, village, or otherpolitical subdivision, to enter into a surety bond, or bonds,with a surety company or surety companies, authorized to dobusiness in the state of Missouri and the cost of every suchsurety bond shall be paid by the public body protected thereby.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 3238)