108.120. 1. The county commissions of the counties of thisstate are hereby authorized to issue bonds for and on behalf oftheir respective counties for the construction, reconstruction,improvement, maintenance and repair of any and all public roads,highways, bridges and culverts within such county, including thepayment of any cost, judgment and expense for property, or rightsin property, acquired by purchase or eminent domain, as may beprovided by law, in such amount and such manner as may beprovided by the general law authorizing the issuance of bonds bycounties.
2. The proceeds of all bonds issued under the provisions ofthis section shall be paid into the county treasury where theyshall be kept as a separate fund to be known as "The Road BondConstruction Fund" and such proceeds shall be used only for thepurpose mentioned herein. Such funds may be used in theconstruction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance and repairof any street, avenue, road or alley in any incorporated city,town or village if such street, avenue, road or alley or any partthereof shall form a part of a continuous road, highway, bridgeor culvert of said county leading into or through such city, townor village.
(RSMo 1939 § 8606, A.L. 1945 p. 1477)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7957; 1919 § 10744