108.160. All bonds and their coupons, paid off, redeemed, orjudgments for which such refunding bonds shall be exchanged,shall be extinguished by such payment, redemption, or exchange,and such bond and all interest coupons pertinent thereto shall becanceled by perforation in such manner as to prevent any furthernegotiation thereof. A record of such redemption andcancellation, with the date thereof, shall be made by the clerkof such county, city, school district, political corporation orsubdivision of the state, or, when there is no such clerk, thenthe clerk of the county commission of such county, and suchcanceled bonds and coupons shall then be deposited with thetreasurer of such county, city, school district, or otherpolitical corporation or subdivision of the state, who shall makea like record of such redemption and cancellation.
(RSMo 1939 § 3286, A.L. 1945 p. 595 § 3281, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 223)Prior revisions: 1929 § 2899; 1919 § 1047; 1909 § 1254