108.175. 1. All other provisions of law to the contrarynotwithstanding, whenever under any statute, or under any charterof any municipal corporation or county in this state, any bond,note or other evidence of indebtedness is issued by any county,city, town, village, school district, educational institution,drainage district, levee district, nursing home district,hospital district, library district, road district, fireprotection district, water supply district, sewer district,housing authority, land clearance for redevelopment authority,special authority created under section 64.920, RSMo, authoritycreated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 238, RSMo, or othermunicipality, political subdivision or district of this state,the seal of such issuer may be impressed thereon or affixedthereto or imprinted or otherwise reproduced thereon, and if suchbond, note or other evidence of indebtedness shall beauthenticated by a bank or trust company having its principaloffice in the state of Missouri by the manual signature of a dulyauthorized officer or employee thereof, the duly authorizedofficers of such issuer executing and attesting such bond, noteor other evidence of indebtedness may all do so by facsimilesignature provided such signatures have been duly filed asprovided in the uniform facsimile signature of public officialslaw, and only a bank or trust company having its principal officein the state of Missouri, when duly authorized by ordinance orresolution of such issuer, may act for and on behalf of any suchissuer as the transfer agent, registrar, paying agent,authenticating agent or other agent with respect to such bondnote or other evidence of indebtedness, except that nothingherein shall be construed to prohibit a bank or trust companyhaving its principal office outside the state of Missouri fromserving as a copaying agent with respect to such bond, note orother evidence of indebtedness.
2. All other provisions of law to the contrarynotwithstanding, whenever under any statute, or under any charterof any municipal corporation or county in this state, any bond,note or other evidence of indebtedness is authorized to bear afacsimile signature or signatures, such bond, note or otherevidence of indebtedness may bear the facsimile signature of theperson or persons holding the office or offices of said issuerauthorized to execute or attest the same on the date of theoriginal issuance thereof regardless of the fact that said officeor offices may be held by other persons on the date of anyexchange, sale or transfer of such bond, note or other evidenceof indebtedness.
(L. 1983 S.B. 181)Effective 7-1-83