108.220. Whenever it shall appear to the state board of fundcommissioners of the state of Missouri, or to the administrativeor governing authority of any county, city, town, township,school district, road district, drainage district, leveedistrict, or other political corporation or subdivision of thisstate, that any bond or bonds, or any interest coupon or interestcoupons, theretofore issued by or on behalf of said state or byor on behalf of any such political corporation or subdivision,has or have not been presented for payment and redemption withina period of ten years from and after the due date thereof, suchboard or administrative or governing authority may transfer toany other fund or funds of the state, county, city, town,township, district or other political corporation or subdivision,as the case may be, any sum or sums then held for the payment andredemption of any such bond or bonds, coupon or coupons;provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shallbe deemed or construed to abridge, limit or destroy any right ofaction now or hereafter existing in law or in equity for recoveryupon any such bond or coupon.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 3317)