108.280. Nothing contained in sections 108.240 to 108.300shall prevent any county commission, city council, board ofaldermen, board of trustees of any incorporated village, board ofdirectors of any school district, board of supervisors of anydrainage or levee district, or board of commissioners of anyspecial road district, or other authority from levying a largertax for the payment of maturing bonds, or from applying othermeans to such purpose. It shall be the duty of the treasurer ofsuch county, city, village, township, school district, drainagedistrict or levee district, special or common road district, tocertify, at least once in every fiscal year, to the state auditorthe several amounts and numbers of bonds and coupons by him orthrough him redeemed, of his respective county, city, village,township, school district, drainage district, levee district,common or special road district, as the case may be, and he shallreturn such bonds and coupons, properly canceled, to preventtheir reissue, to the maker thereof, and the state shall not bedeemed in any manner liable on account of any such bonds orcoupons.
(RSMo 1939 § 3304)Prior revisions: 1929 § 2918; 1919 § 1066; 1909 § 1278