108.310. Whenever the state of Missouri, or any county,township, school district or municipality shall have issued bondsunder and by authority of any provision of the Constitution ofthe state of Missouri, or any law enacted in pursuance thereof,the state, county, township, school district or municipalityissuing said bonds may file in the circuit court of the countyhaving jurisdiction of the subject matter a petition praying fora pro forma decree of the court authorizing the issuance of suchbonds. The petition for such pro forma decree shall succinctlyset forth all the historical facts relating to and concerning theissuance of said bonds, and shall be accompanied by a certifiedcopy of all records, notices, publications, orders, resolutionsand other documents pertaining thereto, and shall pray for anorder and judgment of such court declaring the validity of theproposed bond issue.
(RSMo 1939 § 3312)Prior revision: 1929 § 2926