108.510. 1. Prior to any issuance of any private activity bonds, allissuers, whether state or local, shall first make a request for an allocationby filing a signed application for each project with the director in the formprescribed by the director. Such applications for allocations shall beconsidered by the director in accordance with the provisions of sections108.500 to 108.532 and, in making such allocations, the director shallconsider the economic development objectives of the state, including:
(1) The mobility of the project for which the allocation is beingsought, including the ability of the prospective beneficiary of the allocationto locate the project in a state other than Missouri;
(2) The potential impact of the project upon existing businesses in thelocal market;
(3) The type of project or financing for which the allocation is sought;
(4) The number of persons, families or businesses which would benefitfrom the proposed project or financing.
The director may in his discretion, promulgate rules or regulations to befollowed in considering such applications for allocations of the stateceiling.
2. No rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority ofsections 108.500 to 108.532 shall become effective unless it has beenpromulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024, RSMo.
(L. 1987 S.B. 351 ยง 108.507, A.L. 1993 S.B. 52, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3)