108.904. The moneys realized from the sale of bonds underthe provisions of sections 108.900 to 108.914 shall be paid intothe state treasury, to the credit of the "Third State BuildingFund", and shall be appropriated by the general assembly for thepurposes for which the bonds are authorized to be issued and forthe payment of all necessary expenses incidental thereto. Inmaking direct purchases of commodities and expending funds fromthe third state building fund for commodities, the commissionerof administration shall give preference to all commoditiesmanufactured, mined, produced or grown within the state ofMissouri and to all firms, corporations or individuals doingbusiness as Missouri firms, corporations or individuals, whenquality is equal or better and delivered price is the same orless.
(L. 1982 2nd Ex. Sess. S.B. 1 ยง 5)Effective 12-20-82