108.925. For the purpose of providing funds for rebuilding buildingsof institutions of higher education, including public community colleges,the department of corrections and the division of youth services, providingadditions thereto or additional buildings where necessary, for landacquisition, for construction or purchase of buildings, and for planning,furnishing, equipping and landscaping such improvements and buildings, asauthorized by and to implement section 37(f) of article III of theConstitution of the State of Missouri, the board of fund commissioners ofthe state of Missouri is hereby authorized to borrow, on the credit of thestate, the sum of two hundred and fifty million dollars subject to theprovisions of section 37(f) of article III and sections 108.925 to 108.933.Bonds herein provided for shall be issued by the board of fundcommissioners from time to time as funds are required to meet expendituresunder appropriations made by the general assembly for the purposes forwhich the bonds are authorized to be issued. The payment of such bonds andthe interest thereon shall be secured by a pledge of the full faith, creditand resources of the state of Missouri.
(L. 1995 S.B. 21)Effective 2-9-95