109.005. 1. There is hereby established in the state treasury aspecial fund to be known as the "State Document Preservation Fund". Thefund shall consist of all moneys received from gifts, bequests, orcontributions for the specific purpose of preserving legal, historical andgenealogical materials and making them available to the public.
2. The state treasurer shall invest moneys in the state documentpreservation fund in the same manner as surplus state funds are investedpursuant to section 30.260, RSMo. All earnings which result from theinvestment of moneys in the state document preservation fund shall becredited to the fund.
3. Any unexpended balance in the state document preservation fund atthe end of any appropriation period shall not be transferred to the generalrevenue fund of the state treasury and, accordingly, shall be exempt fromthe provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, relating to the transfer of fundsto the general revenue fund of the state treasury.
(L. 1996 S.B. 670 ยง 109.005 subsecs. 1, 2, 3)CROSS REFERENCE:
Proceeds of sales of materials by director to be placed in document preservation fund, when, RSMo 109.265