109.400. 1. The secretary of state is hereby authorized:
(1) To plan, acquire, construct, develop, operate, and maintain, orto lease or sublease to or from others for acquisition, construction,development, operation, and maintenance, an archival facility located in acity not within a county* to preserve documents of legal, historical, andgenealogical importance to the state of Missouri, and to provideeducational and outreach programs sponsored by the Missouri state archives;
(2) To enter into contracts and agreements with public or privatepersons, partnerships, associations, entities, corporations, and cities,counties, and other subdivisions of the state of Missouri such as might benecessary to promote the planning, acquisition, construction, development,operation, or maintenance of such facility and its programs; and
(3) To receive any grants, gifts, bequests, rentals, contributions,moneys, or properties appropriated or otherwise designated for payment tothe secretary of state for the planning, acquisition, construction,development, operation, or maintenance of such facility and its programs bymunicipalities, counties, state, or other political subdivisions or publicagencies or by the federal government or any agency or officer thereof orfrom any other public or private source.
2. Nothing in this section shall require any local agency, entity, orsubdivision to transfer any records to the state archives.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1363 merged with S.B. 1172)*Original rolls (H.B. 1363, 2004) contained "St. Louis city".