115.017. There shall be a board of election commissioners:
(1) In each county which has or hereafter has over nine hundredthousand inhabitants;
(2) In each city not situated in a county;
(3) In each city which has over three hundred thousand inhabitants onJanuary 1, 1978, and is situated in more than one county;
(4) In each county of the first classification containing any part ofa city which has over three hundred thousand inhabitants; provided that thecounty commission of a county which becomes a county of the firstclassification after December 31, 1998, may, prior to such date, adopt anorder retaining the county clerk as the election authority. The county maysubsequently establish a board of election commissioners as provided insubdivision (5) of this section;
(5) In each county of the first class which elects to have such aboard through procedures provided in section 115.019.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 2.005, A.L. 1997 H.B. 761)