115.029. 1. In each county of the first class containingthe major portion of a city which has more than three hundredthousand inhabitants, each election commissioner shall beappointed on April 21, 1982, for a term of four years and untilhis successor is appointed, confirmed and sworn. Successorsshall be appointed in like manner for a term of four years anduntil their successors are appointed, confirmed and sworn.
2. In each county containing a portion but not the majorportion of a city which has more than three hundred thousandinhabitants, each election commissioner shall be appointed onJune 15, 1981, for a term of four years and until his successoris appointed, confirmed and sworn. Successors shall be appointedin like manner for a term of four years and until theirsuccessors are appointed, confirmed and sworn. The first twoelection commissioners appointed after May 10, 1994, shall beappointed for terms of two years and until their successors areappointed, confirmed and sworn. One of those appointed to atwo-year term shall be a member of one major political party andone shall be a member of the other major political party. Thenext two election commissioners appointed, and all successors,shall be appointed for terms of four years and until theirsuccessors are appointed, confirmed and sworn.
3. In all other cities and counties which have or hereafterhave a board of election commissioners, each commissioner's termof office shall coincide with the term of the governor whoappoints him and until the commissioner's successor is appointed,confirmed and sworn.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 2.030, A.L. 1994 S.B. 548)Effective 5-10-94