115.035. 1. In each county which has over nine hundredthousand inhabitants, each election commissioner shall receive asalary of seven thousand two hundred dollars per year, payable fromthe county revenue.
2. In each city not situated in a county, each electioncommissioner shall receive a salary of six thousand dollars peryear, except the chairman and the secretary of the board, who shalleach receive a salary of seven thousand five hundred dollars peryear, payable from the city revenue.
3. In each county of the first class containing the majorportion of a city which has over three hundred thousandinhabitants, each election commissioner shall receive a salary offive thousand two hundred dollars per year, payable from the countyrevenue.
4. In each city which has over three hundred thousandinhabitants on January 1, 1978, and is situated in more than onecounty, each election commissioner shall receive a salary of fivethousand two hundred dollars per year, payable one-half from thecity revenue and one-half from the revenue of the county containingthe major portion of the city.
5. In each county containing a portion but not the majorportion of a city which has over three hundred thousandinhabitants, each election commissioner shall receive a salary offour thousand eight hundred dollars per year, paid proportionallyfrom the city revenue and the county revenue. The city shall paysuch proportion as its population within the county is to the totalpopulation of the county as determined by the last precedingfederal decennial census.
6. In all other counties which now or hereafter have a boardof election commissioners, each election commissioner shall receivea salary of two thousand six hundred dollars per year, payable fromthe county revenue.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 2.045)Effective 1-1-78