115.049. 1. Each board of election commissioners inexistence on January 1, 1978, shall set the salaries of itsemployees. Except as provided in subsection 3 of this section,the number of employees of each board and the total yearly amountof all salaries paid to the board's employees shall not exceedthe number of employees and the total yearly amount of allsalaries authorized on January 1, 1982; except that, in any citywhich has over three hundred thousand inhabitants and is locatedin more than one county, the board of election commissionershaving jurisdiction in the part of the city situated in thecounty containing the major portion of the city may set thenumber of its employees and the total yearly amount of allsalaries authorized by statute on January 1, 1982.
2. Each board of election commissioners established afterJanuary 1, 1978, shall set the salaries of its employees. Exceptas provided in subsection 3 of this section, the number ofemployees of each board and the total yearly amount of allsalaries paid to the board's employees shall not exceed thenumber of employees and the total yearly amount of all salariesauthorized on December 31, 1977, for counties of the first classnot having a charter form of government by sections 119.090 and119.100, RSMo.
3. If any board of election commissioners wishes to increasethe number of its employees or the total yearly amount of allsalaries paid to its employees, the board shall deliver a noticeof the fact to the presiding officer of the local legislativebody or bodies responsible for providing payment of the electioncommissioners' salaries. The notice shall specify the number ofadditional employees requested and the additional yearly amountrequested by the board and shall include a justification of theincrease and a day, not less than ninety days after the notice isdelivered, on which the increase is to take effect. Unless anylegislative body responsible for approving payment of theelection commissioners' salaries adopts a resolution disapprovingthe increase, the increase shall take effect on the dayspecified. Any board of election commissioners may implementsalary adjustments, after notice to the presiding officer of thelocal legislative body or bodies responsible for providingpayment of the election commissioners' salaries, equal to, butnot more than, those adjustments granted to the employees of thelocal legislative body or bodies without prior legislativeapproval.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 2.080, A.L. 1982 S.B. 526)Effective 5-20-82