115.051. 1. In each county which does not have a board ofelection commissioners, the county clerk shall have the right toemploy such deputies and assistants as are necessary to promptlyand correctly register voters and conduct elections. Where anelectronic voting system or voting machines are used, the countyclerk shall designate competent employees to have custody of andsupervise maintenance of the voting equipment. Each deputy shallbe subject to the same restrictions and subscribe the same oathas the county clerk, except that no employee shall be required topost bond unless directed to do so by the clerk. Employee oathsand any bonds shall be filed and preserved in the office of thecounty clerk.
2. Within the total amount for deputies and assistantsapproved by the county commission, the salary of each deputy andassistant shall be set by the county clerk.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 2.085)Effective 1-1-78