115.071. 1. In any city which has over three hundredthousand inhabitants and is located in more than one county, allgeneral expenses related to the conduct of elections and theregistration of voters in the part of the city situated in thecounty containing the major portion of the city shall be paidone-half from the general revenue of the city and one-half fromthe general revenue of the county in which the major portion ofthe city is located.
2. Except as provided in section 115.067, in any city whichhas over three hundred thousand inhabitants and is located inmore than one county, the salaries of election judges at all cityprimary, general and special elections shall be paid from thegeneral revenue of the city, even if a candidate or questionother than a city candidate or question is submitted at the sameelection.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 2.530)Effective 1-1-78