115.081. 1. Each election authority shall appoint election judgesfor each polling place within its jurisdiction in accordance with theprovisions of this section.
2. In all primary and general elections, the election authority shallappoint at least two judges from each major political party to serve ateach polling place. No major political party shall have a majority of thejudges at any polling place. No established party shall have a greaternumber of judges at any polling place than any major political party.
3. In any election that is not a primary or general election, theelection authority shall appoint at least one judge from each majorpolitical party to serve at each polling place. No major political partyshall have a majority of the judges at any polling place. No establishedparty shall have a greater number of judges at any polling place than anymajor political party.
4. The election authority shall designate two of the judges appointedfor each polling place, one from each major political party, as supervisoryjudges. Supervisory judges shall be responsible for the return of electionsupplies from the polling place to the election authority and shall haveany additional duties prescribed by the election authority.
5. Election judges may be employed to serve for the first half orlast half of any election day. Such judges shall be paid one-half theregular rate of pay. If part-time judges are employed, the electionauthority shall employ such judges and shall see that a sufficient numberfor each period are present at all times so as to have the proper totalnumber of judges present at each polling place throughout each electionday. The election authority shall require that at each polling place atleast one election judge from each political party serve a full day andthat at all times during the day there be an equal number of electionjudges from each political party.
6. An election authority may appoint additional election judgesrepresenting other established political parties and additional electionjudges who do not claim a political affiliation. Any question whichrequires a decision by the majority of judges shall only be made by thejudges from the major political parties.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 3.005, A.L. 1982 S.B. 526, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675)