115.087. 1. In each county which does not have a board of electioncommissioners, the election judges shall be selected from lists provided bythe county committee of each major political party or as authorizedpursuant to section 115.081. Not later than December tenth in each year inwhich county committeemen are elected, the county committee of each majorpolitical party shall submit to the election authority a list of personsqualified to serve as election judges in double the number required to holda general election in the county. For each election, the electionauthority shall select and appoint the number of judges required to holdthe election. If a county committee fails to present the prescribed numberof names of qualified persons by the time prescribed, the electionauthority may select and appoint the number of judges provided by law forthe county committee's party. If the election authority deems any personon a list to be unqualified, the election authority may request the countycommittee which submitted the list to furnish another name.
2. The state chairperson of each established political party may, injurisdictions where no county committee exists and where the county clerkis the election authority, submit a list of persons qualified to serve aselection judges to the county clerk. The county clerk may select andappoint additional judges from such list pursuant to section 115.081.
3. County clerks may compile a list of persons who claim no politicalaffiliation and who volunteer to be election judges. A county clerk mayselect and appoint additional judges from such list pursuant to section115.081.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 3.020, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675)