115.095. If any judge fails to act or to appear by the time fixed bylaw for the opening of the polls, the election authority shall be notifiedimmediately by an election judge. The election authority or the electionjudges present in the polling place shall appoint another judge from thesame political party as the judge failing to act or to appear. If theelection judges elect a qualified temporary judge, such judge shall havefull authority to act as judge for the election, except that such judge maybe removed at any time by the election authority and replaced with anotherqualified judge from the same political party as the removed judge. Anyjudge selected pursuant to this section shall be selected to ensure that nopolitical party shall have a majority of judges at any polling place andthat each major political party has at least one judge serving at thepolling place.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 3.040, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675)