115.102. 1. An employer shall not terminate, discipline, threaten ortake adverse actions against an employee based on the employee's service asan election judge.
2. An employee who is appointed to serve as an election judge may, onelection day, be absent from his or her employment for the period of timethat the election authority requires the employee to serve as electionjudge. Employees must notify employers at least seven days prior to anelection that they will be absent from work on election day due to serviceas an election judge.
3. An employee discharged in violation of this section may bring acivil action against the employer within ninety days of discharge forrecovery of lost wages and other damages caused by the violation and for anorder directing reinstatement of the employee. If the employee prevails,the employee shall be entitled to receive reasonable attorney's fees andcosts.
(L. 2002 S.B. 675)