115.113. 1. The basic election district shall be theprecinct. In each jurisdiction, precinct boundaries shall beestablished by the election authority. Every effort shall bemade by the election authority to establish precinct lines whichdo not cross political subdivision or special districtboundaries. Upon mail notification of each voter affected by thechange, or publication of the new boundaries in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in its jurisdiction, the election authoritymay change precinct boundaries from time to time as conveniencemay require.
2. When a political subdivision is formed, the politicalsubdivision shall assist the election authority in determiningthe identity of all registered voters residing in each precincteligible to vote in elections affecting the district.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 5.001, A.L. 1982 S.B. 526)Effective 5-20-82