115.136. 1. The secretary of state shall be the chiefstate election official responsible for the coordination of stateresponsibilities under the National Voter Registration Act of1993.
2. The secretary of state shall be responsible for thetransmission of requested data from the election authorities tothe Federal Election Commission.
3. The secretary of state shall supply each electionauthority with a list of all public assistance agencies and armedforces recruitment offices that are designated as voterregistration sites within the jurisdiction of the electionauthority.
4. The secretary of state shall consult with the FederalElection Commission in the formation of a national mail voterregistration application form.
5. The secretary of state shall be responsible for thetransmission to the appropriate election authority of thenotification by the United States attorney of the conviction of aMissouri citizen for a federal felony offense.
6. The secretary of state may promulgate rules only toensure state compliance with the National Voter Registration Actof 1993.
7. Any person who is aggrieved by a violation of theNational Voter Registration Act may provide written notice of theviolation to the secretary of state and may bring a civil actionpursuant to the process prescribed by section 11 of the NationalVoter Registration Act of 1993.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1411)Effective 1-1-95