115.145. Each election authority shall have the followingduties with respect to registration:
(1) To conduct registration at its office or officesthroughout the entire year, including any four-week period priorto an election for the purpose of registration of persons forsubsequent elections, on all usual business days and during itsregular office hours in the manner required by this chapter;
(2) To instruct and direct each deputy registration officialin the performance of his or her duties including those agenciesmandated and optional, including as optional any institution ofhigher education located in the state, under the National VoterRegistration Act of 1993 and to supply each deputy with theproper registration forms and other necessary supplies;
(3) To designate the times, dates and places or areas foradditional voter registration by any deputy appointed pursuant tosubsection 2 of section 115.143, and to publicize the times,dates and places or areas of such registration in any mannerreasonably calculated to inform the public; provided, that theplace or area for voter registration by deputies appointed undersubsection 3 of section 115.143 shall be located in the schoolfor which the deputy has been appointed;
(4) Retain all voter registration records and registrationlist maintenance records for a minimum of two years. Theelection authority shall compile data from the records as may benecessary for compliance with the National Voter Registration Actof 1993;
(5) Number or use another system of identifying the originalagency of the voter registration application.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 7.040, A.L. 1982 S.B. 526, A.L. 1988 H.B. 933, et al., A.L. 1994 H.B. 1411)Effective 1-1-95