115.160. 1. All Missouri driver's license applicants shall receive avoter registration application form as a simultaneous part of theapplication for a driver's license, renewal of driver's license, change ofaddress, duplicate request and a nondriver's license.
2. If a single application form is used, the voter registrationapplication portion of any application described in subsection 1 of thissection may not require any information that duplicates informationrequired in the driver's license portion of the form, except a secondsignature or other information required by law.
3. After conferring with the secretary of state as the chief stateelection official responsible for overseeing of the voter registrationprocess, the director of revenue shall adopt rules and regulationspertaining to the format of the voter registration application used by thedepartment.
4. No information relating to the failure of an applicant for adriver's license or nondriver's license to sign a voter registrationapplication may be used for any purpose other than voter registration.
5. Any voter registration application received pursuant to theprovisions of this section shall be forwarded to the election authoritylocated within that county or any city not within a county, or if there ismore than one election authority within the county, then to the electionauthority located nearest to the location where the driver's licenseapplication was received. The election authority receiving the applicationforms shall review the applications and forward any applications pertainingto a different election authority to that election authority.
6. A completed voter registration application accepted in thedriver's licensing process shall be transmitted to the election authoritydescribed in subsection 5 of this section not later than five business daysafter the form is completed by the applicant.
7. Any person registering to vote when applying for or renewing aMissouri driver's license shall submit with the application form a copy ofa birth certificate, a Native American tribal document, or other proof ofUnited States citizenship, a valid Missouri driver's license, or other formof personal identification.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1411, A.L. 1997 S.B. 132, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675, A.L. 2005 H.B. 353)