115.162. 1. A voter registration application shall be provided bythe secretary of state in all offices of the state that provide publicassistance, all offices that provide state-funded programs primarilyengaged in providing services to persons with disabilities, and otheroffices as directed by the governor. In addition all armed forcesrecruitment offices shall be considered a voter registration agency.
2. At each voter registration agency, the following services shall bemade available:
(1) Assistance to applicants in completing voter registrationapplication forms, unless the applicant refuses such assistance;
(2) Acceptance of completed voter registration application forms fortransmittal to the election authority located in the same county or anycity not within a county, or if there is more than one election authoritywithin the county, to the election authority nearest to the office of theagency. The election authority receiving the application forms shallreview the applications and forward any applications pertaining to adifferent election authority to that election authority;
(3) Voter registration sites shall transmit voter registrationapplication forms to the appropriate election authority not later than fivebusiness days after the form is completed by the applicant;
(4) If a voter registration agency provides services to a person witha disability at the person's home, the agency shall provide the servicesprovided in this section at the person's home.
3. An applicant declining to register in any agency shall be noted ina declination section incorporated into the voter registration form used bythe agency. No information relating to a declination to register to votein connection with an application made at a voter registration agency maybe used for any purpose other than voter registration.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1411, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675)