115.185. 1. Immediately before a house-to-house canvass,the election authority shall prepare two verification lists foreach precinct to be canvassed.
2. For each precinct to be canvassed, the electionauthority shall appoint two registered voters from itsjurisdiction, one from each major political party, to serve ascanvassers of the precinct. The two canvassers, each having oneof the verification lists, shall together call at each dwellingplace in the precinct which is shown on the verification lists.
3. If the canvassers find that any registered voter doesnot live at the address shown on the verification lists, theyshall immediately notify the election authority.
4. Whenever it deems necessary, the election authority mayrequest that police protection be furnished canvassers while theyperform their official duties. Such protection shall be promptlyfurnished by the appropriate authorities.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 7.315, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1411)Effective 1-1-95