115.195. 1. At least once each month, the state or local registrarof vital statistics shall provide to the election authority a list of thename and address, if known, of each person over eighteen years of age inits jurisdiction whose death has been reported to him or her and provide acopy of the list of any death reported in the state to the secretary ofstate. The secretary of state shall notify the election authority of thejurisdiction in which the deceased resided of the information receivedpursuant to this subsection.
2. At least once each month, the clerk of the circuit court of eachcounty and city not within a county shall provide to the election authoritya list of the name and address, if known, of each person over eighteenyears of age in the court's jurisdiction who has been convicted of anyfelony, or of a misdemeanor connected with the right of suffrage. A copyof the list shall also be submitted to the secretary of state. Thesecretary of state shall notify the election authority of the jurisdictionin which an offender resides of the information received pursuant to thissubsection.
3. At least once each month, the clerk of the probate division of thecircuit court of each county and city not within a county shall provide tothe election authority a list of the name and address, if known, of eachperson over eighteen years of age in the court's jurisdiction who has beenadjudged incapacitated and has not been restored to capacity. A copy ofthe list shall also be submitted to the secretary of state. The secretaryof state shall notify the election authority of the jurisdiction in whichsuch person resides of the information received pursuant to thissubsection.
4. All state and local registrars and all clerks of probate divisionsof the circuit courts and circuit courts shall provide the informationspecified in this section, without charge, to the election authority or thesecretary of state.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 7.340, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45, A.L. 1993 S.B. 31, A.L. 1999 H.B. 676, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675)