115.203. 1. No person shall pay or otherwise compensate any otherperson for registering voters based on the number of:
(1) Voters registered by the other person;
(2) Voter registration applications collected by the other person; or
(3) Voter registration applications submitted to election officialsby the other person.
2. No person shall receive or accept payment or any othercompensation from any other person for registering voters based on thenumber of:
(1) Voters registered by the person receiving or accepting payment orother compensation;
(2) Voter registration applications collected by the person receivingor accepting payment or other compensation;
(3) Voter registration applications submitted to election officialsby the person receiving or accepting payment or other compensation.
3. No person who agrees or offers to submit a voter registrationapplication for another person shall knowingly destroy, deface, or concealsuch voter registration application.
4. Any person who accepts or receives a voter registrationapplication from another person and agrees or offers to submit suchapplication to the election authority for the registrant shall deliver theapplication to the election authority within seven days of accepting orreceiving the application.
5. A violation of this section is a class four election offense.
(L. 2006 S.B. 1014 & 730)