115.233. Within fourteen days prior to an election at which anelectronic voting system is to be used, the election authority shall havethe automatic tabulating equipment tested to ascertain that the equipmentis in compliance with the law and that it will correctly count the votescast for all offices and on all questions. At least forty-eight hoursprior to the test, notice of the time and place of the test shall be mailedto each independent and new party candidate and the chairman of the countycommittee of each established political party named on the ballot. Thetest shall be observed by at least two persons designated by the electionauthority, one from each major political party, and shall be open torepresentatives of the political parties, candidates, the news media andthe public. The test shall be conducted by processing a preaudited groupof ballots. If any error is detected, the cause shall be ascertained andcorrected, and an errorless count shall be made before the tabulatingequipment is approved.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 8.030, A.L. 2002 S.B. 675)