115.239. 1. The party casting the highest number of votesfor governor at the last gubernatorial election shall be placedin the first or left-hand column on the ballot. The partycasting the next highest number of votes for the same officeshall be placed in the next column to the right, and so on untilall established parties have been placed. In order of the datetheir petitions were filed, new parties shall then be placed incolumns to the right of the established party receiving thesmallest vote for governor. If there is no more than oneindependent candidate for any office, all independent candidatesshall be placed in one column to the right of the new partyfiling the latest petition. If there is more than oneindependent candidate for any office, the candidate filing theearliest petition shall be placed in the column to the right ofthe new party filing the latest petition. The independentcandidate filing the next earliest petition shall be placed inthe next column to the right, and so on until all independentcandidates for the office have been placed.
2. The name of each candidate shall be placed in theappropriate column by the election authority.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 8.105)Effective 1-1-78