115.243. 1. For the purposes of sections 115.001 to 115.641and sections 51.450 and 51.460*, RSMo, the candidates forpresident and vice president of the United States from anypolitical party or group of petitioners shall be considered onecandidate. The names of the candidates for president and vicepresident from each political party or group of petitioners shallbe enclosed in a brace directly to the left of the names in theappropriate column on the official ballot. Directly to the leftof each brace shall be printed one square, the sides of which arenot less than one-fourth inch in length. The names of candidatesfor presidential electors shall not be printed on the ballot butshall be filed with the secretary of state in the manner providedin section 115.399.
2. A vote for any candidate for president and vice presidentshall be a vote for their electors.
3. When presidential and vice-presidential candidates are tobe elected, the following instruction shall be printed on theofficial ballot: "A vote for candidates for President and VicePresident is a vote for their electors."
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 8.115)Effective 1-1-78
*Section 51.450 was repealed by S.B. 65, et al., 1987.