115.245. 1. All questions printed on the official ballotshall be phrased in such a manner that the required response is a"YES" or a "NO". Immediately beside or below each question, a"YES" and a "NO" shall be printed, immediately followed by asquare, the sides of which are not less than one-fourth inch inlength. Beneath the question and the "YES" and "NO" thefollowing instruction shall be printed: "If you are in favor ofthe question, place an X in the box opposite 'YES'. If you areopposed to the question, place an X in the box opposite 'NO'."
2. When the secretary of state certifies a question to besubmitted to a vote of the people, he shall include in hiscertification the exact wording of the question and theinstructions. The wording certified by the secretary of stateshall be printed on the official ballot, and no other wordingshall be used to submit the question.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 8.120)Effective 1-1-78