115.247. 1. Each election authority shall provide all ballots forevery election within its jurisdiction. Ballots other than those printedby the election authority in accordance with sections 115.001 to 115.641and section 51.460, RSMo, shall not be cast or counted at any election.
2. Whenever it appears that an error has occurred in any publicationrequired by sections 115.001 to 115.641 and section 51.460, RSMo, or in theprinting of any ballot, any circuit court may, upon the application of anyvoter, order the appropriate election authorities to correct the error orto show cause why the error should not be corrected.
3. For each election held in a county with a charter form ofgovernment and with more than two hundred fifty thousand but fewer thanthree hundred fifty thousand inhabitants, the election authority mayprovide for each polling place in its jurisdiction fifty-five ballots foreach fifty and fraction of fifty voters registered in the voting districtat the time of the election. For each election, except a general election,held in any county other than a county with a charter form of governmentand with more than two hundred fifty thousand but fewer than three hundredfifty thousand inhabitants, the election authority shall provide for eachpolling place in its jurisdiction a number of ballots equal to at least oneand one-third times the number of ballots cast in the voting districtserved by such polling place at the election held two years before at thatpolling place or at the polling place that served the voting district inthe previous election. For each general election held in any county otherthan a county with a charter form of government and with more than twohundred fifty thousand but fewer than three hundred fifty thousandinhabitants, the election authority shall provide for each polling place inits jurisdiction a number of ballots equal to one and one-third times thenumber of ballots cast in the voting district served by such polling placeor at the polling place that served the voting district in the generalelection held four years prior. When determining the number of ballots toprovide for each polling place, the election authority shall consider anyfactors that would affect the turnout at such polling place. The electionauthority shall keep a record of the exact number of ballots delivered toeach polling place. For purposes of this subsection, the electionauthority shall not be required to count registered voters designated asinactive pursuant to section 115.193.
4. After the polls have closed on every election day, the electionjudges shall return all unused ballots to the election authority with theother election supplies.
5. All ballots cast in public elections shall be printed anddistributed at public expense, payable as provided in sections 115.061 to115.077.
(L. 1977 H.B. 101 ยง 8.125, A.L. 1997 S.B. 132, A.L. 2006 S.B. 1014 & 730)